Why is Israel interested in China?

Bilateral trade relations and relations between Israel and China have grown

Bilateral trade relations and relations between Israel and China have grown

News Time

In recent years, bilateral trade relations and relations between Israel and China have increased. Not only Israel, but also the Jewish and Zionist lobbies in other countries of the world, is active in furthering relations between Israel and China. Along with Israel’s social and cultural activities, commercial activity has also increased in China. Israeli commercial, cultural, social, economic institutions and organizations are working in China. China has, thus, taken Beijing a step further, and has spearheaded efforts to establish a political arena. Israel is of interest to China. Because of this, Israelis have expertise in various areas of life that China is seeking to exploit. As such, Israel is rapidly approaching China, a destination for growth.

Israel, on the other hand, is seeking to adopt China’s fast and rapidly evolving technology and other advanced services. An important question associated with this report is the arrival of Jews in China: Are there Jews in China? So the answer is yes. It is said that in the 8th century A group of Jews settled in China. Although this group was extremely limited, over time it became integrated into Chinese society. Although the number of Jews in China is still lower than that of other minority religions. In China, Jews are part of daily social life and social stream. They have trading centers in Hong Kong, Shanghai and the Caribbean. He started transporting Siberia to China via railway track in the 9th century. In the 20th century, the number of Jews in China began to increase. Russia fled to China during the Bolshevik Revolution, and China proved to be a safe haven. Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the Republic of China, had political sympathies with the Zionist movement. He had direct contacts with American Protestants. During that time he was a Christian. The Zionists became even closer.

Sen. Yat-sen, on the other hand, needed unity to break China’s colonial pressure and wanted independence from Chinese colonialism. Dr. Sun Yat-sen wanted to take the Chinese on the heels of Jewish nationalism, for which he struggled greatly in the 21st century. In the middle of the 20th century, the population of Jews in China increased. After World War II, 18,000 Jews from Europe settled in China. There was no restriction on the arrival and migration of Jews from China to Shanghai, so the Jews were able to settle in China in large numbers.

Between 1845 and 1950, 40,000 Jews settled in China, but after that the number of Jews in China declined. One of the negative and catastrophic consequences of the Second World War was the establishment of Israel in Palestine in 1948. After the establishment of the Israeli state in Palestine, the influx of Jews into China gradually declined. At the same time, China established diplomatic relations with Israel. The Jewish immigrants in China played an important role in building relations between the two countries. The majority of the Jewish population in China is in Beijing and Shanghai.

In 1992, China recognized Israel and allowed the Jews to free themselves from the activities of the Zionists although the number of Jews in China is around 2500 at present, their Israelis. China has a profound impact on relations. It is difficult to say that Israeli diplomatic, cultural and educational activities are only part of a unilateral propaganda in Israel. In addition, China is also expanding its friendly relations with Israel to promote its commercial interests. In Israel, yes, Israeli propaganda is viewed positively.

China, on the other hand, wants Israel to use China’s technology, economic and military products. The importance of Israel to China is even greater because China is an emerging country in the Middle East. China has fostered ties with Gulf Arab countries on the one hand and Iran on the other. China is considering a maritime Silk Road project to access the Middle East. There is also a great deal of cooperation between China and Israel in the field of education. There are several institutes working in China with the support of Israel and Jews, including Hebrew. In particular, institutions like Nanjing University, Hannan University and Shandong University are working in cooperation with China and Israel.

Israel, on the other hand, is offering annual doctoral degrees to 100 Chinese students, while 350 students from China and India are given scholarships in Israel. According to data released in 2017, there are 1,000 Chinese students studying in Israel. During 2017, more than 23,000 Chinese tourists traveled to Israel, with direct flights from Tel Aviv to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou (Shenzhen), Shenzhen (Shangdu).


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