US Secretary of State John Kerry declared North Korea a threat to the world

US Secretary of State John Kerry and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi

US Secretary of State John Kerry and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi

Beijing … News Time

US Secretary of State John Kerry said North Korea possessing nuclear weapons is a threat to the world. Combined with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi Wan John Kerry said at a press conferenceNorth Korea is a threat to world peacethe US and its allies and friendly countries to protect themselves from the risk that would not be possible while the US and China, the UN Security Council permanent member and the North Korean nuclear issue to the Security Council resolutions are binding. Meanwhile, US officials say Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to North Korea over the issue of China’s agenda during his meeting with his Chinese counterpart, John Kerry has not hidden anything and speak out on this issue that China, North Korea’s nuclear weapons issue could have done more. Meanwhile, China, North Korea’s diplomatic and economic security is considered the experience of the hydrogen bomb after being declared China the North Korean ambassador was summoned to explain.


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