US and military coups

When the military coup against Recep Tayyip Erdogan took place in Turkey, the United States had a hand in it

When the military coup against Recep Tayyip Erdogan took place in Turkey, the United States had a hand in it

News Time

When the military coup against Recep Tayyip Erdogan took place in Turkey, we were at home and studying. But since we weren’t watching TV, we didn’t know what had happened in Turkey. Suddenly our eldest daughter turned on the TV and found the news of the military coup flashing on all Pakistani channels. Our daughter came and told us that there was a military coup against Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey. We got up quickly and sat down in front of the TV. One Pakistani channel after another was appearing on the TV screen. In this situation, we told our daughter to use CNN immediately and the real news will be there. Our guess was correct. A retired US CIA official was present on CNN and was spewing poison against Tayyip Erdogan. He was saying that Tayyip Erdogan is a hidden Islamist. He is the enemy of Turkey’s secular forces. He is the killer of the Kurds. There should have been a military coup against him. In the same way, Turkey will get rid of Tayyip Erdogan. The meaning of this situation was very clear. The United States was behind Turkey’s military coup and was convinced that the coup would be 100 percent successful. But who will taste what Allah has kept?

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on the Turkish people to resist the uprising and thousands of Turks left their homes in the middle of the night. They lay down in front of the tanks. They pulled the rebels out of the tanks and started killing them. Helicopters were firing at them from the air. People were being martyred and wounded, but they were not intimidated by Turkey’s rogue soldiers, who thwarted the coup and died. After the coup failed, Tayyip Erdogan blamed US-based Fethullah Gulen for the coup. He called on the United States to extradite Fethullah Gulen to Turkey, but did not say whether the United States was directly involved. A few days later, however, Turkey accused the United States of military coup. Turkey’s interior minister has said in a statement that the United States was behind Turkey’s failed military coup. According to the Turkish Interior Minister, Fethullah Gulen’s organization was used as a tool in this regard. However, the United States has denied any involvement in the military coup against Erdogan.

It is normal for the United States to overthrow governments and pave the way for military coups. Prominent American intellectual Noam Chomsky does not call America an arbitrary rogue state. They call America a rogue state because America has always been a rogue state in history. But why is America always a rogue state? Susan Sontag, another prominent American intellectual, has shed light on this. He has said that America is based on genocide. Susan Sontag’s point is that white Americans killed 100 million Red Indians in the United States. This means that terrorism, conspiracy and genocide are part of America’s nature. Therefore, the United States did not only revolt against the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He successfully plotted against Mossadegh’s government inside Iran in 1953. The US CIA overthrew Mossadegh’s two-year government. Mossadegh’s crime was that he nationalized Iran’s oil industry. The move affected the interests of the United States and its ally Britain. As a result, Mossadegh’s government was overthrown; Mossadegh was arrested and spent his entire life in detention.

In 1954, the United States overthrew the government of President Jacob Urbane in Guatemala. President Jacob Urbane was once a supporter of the United States, but then he introduced reforms in Guatemala that were not in the best interests of the United States. This paved the way for a military coup against President Jacob Urbane. The United States not only provided weapons to the rebel forces but also laid siege to Guatemala. The CIA staged a coup in 1960 against Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba. The United States overthrew Patrice Lumumba and replaced her with President Joseph Mobuto. Prior to the coup, the US CIA tried to kill Patrice Lumumba with a poisoned handkerchief, but failed. In 1961, the United States arrested Patrice Lumumba and killed her in custody. The United States led a coup in Brazil in 1964 against President Joao Goulart and General Humberto Castello Branco. The CIA organized anti-presidential protests. Provided weapons to the rebels the United States feared that President Joao Goulart would turn Brazil into a communist state. In Brazil, the military took power in 1964 and ruled happily until 1985.

Secret US documents show that General Ayub had been in contact with the Americans since 1954. He was telling the Americans that Pakistan’s civilian leadership was incompetent and that it would destroy Pakistan. General Ayub was telling the United States that the military would never allow the civilian leadership to destroy the country. In this context, General Ayub imposed martial law in 1958 with the support of the United States. Prominent Jamaat-e-Islami leader Mahmood Azam Farooqi was one of our readers who reacted directly to our columns and our written editorials. One day Farooqi’s call came and Bhutto’s dismissal came under discussion. Mr. Farooqi said that America was behind Bhutto’s removal. We asked, “Is this your personal opinion or is it a reflection of a collective analysis?” They said no, this is my personal opinion, but he insisted on this opinion for a long time. The main point of Farooqi’s views was that Bhutto was punished for starting a nuclear program. It is no secret that the United States was behind the military coup against President Morsi in Egypt. The concrete proof of this is that the United States did not even call General Sisi’s coup. If the United States did so, it would have to cut off aid to Egypt under US law.

Since 9/11, the United States and its Western allies have repeatedly stated that their war is not against Islam or Muslims, but against extremists and terrorists such as Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar. But this is an open lie. Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Morsi cannot be called extremists or attributed to terrorism. Both leaders came to power democratically. Tayyip Erdogan’s Turkey is constitutionally secular and Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been coming to power by taking an oath on a secular constitution. In fact, he has even said in an interview that Islam and secularism are compatible with each other. But despite this, the United States paved the way for a military coup against Tayyip Erdogan. President Morsi was an Islamist, but he was not putting Egypt on the path to extremism and terrorism, but he was in favor of dialogue with the West. He believed in peaceful coexistence with the West, but the United States overthrew him through General Sisi. This proves that the United States and its Western allies do not accept Islam in any way. If we look at the history of America and its allies, people like Mussaddiq and Bhutto were not acceptable to them because Mussaddiq was also a nationalist and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto also demonstrated his nationalism by starting a nuclear program.

The United States and its Western allies do not even need honest leadership in the Muslim world. The United States and its Western allies need secular and liberal leadership in the Muslim world. Unlike secular and liberal leaders who are not nationalists or patriots, the United States needs leaders in the Muslim world who are traitors to Islam, Islamic civilization and Islamic history. Whose hearts do not beat for their country and their nation? Prove yourself a tool of the West in every sphere. Example is famous bad good bad bad. America is worse than Genghis Khan but Genghis Khan is notorious, so the whole world condemns Genghis Khan. America is a thousand times more ruthless and cruel than Genghis Khan, but since he is not infamous, the whole world calls America the leader of the free world.


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