Trump had plans to attack Iran last week, New York Times

The US president called a meeting of top officials last Thursday to discuss plans to attack Iran

The US president called a meeting of top officials last Thursday to discuss plans to attack Iran

Washington … News Time

US President Donald Trump planned to attack Iran last week. Following the IAEA report, Trump continued to consider options for an attack on Iran. According to the well-known American newspaper New York Times, the advisers advised Trump not to have a direct confrontation with Iran. According to the newspaper, the US President was advised that doing so could involve the US in a direct border war with Iran. The president called a meeting of top officials last Thursday, including Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller and General Mark A. Milley had attended. Trump asked him how he should react to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s report and what options he had. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and General Mark Milley told the president that any military or cyber attack could spark a new conflict in the region. According to the report, after the meeting, the participants were convinced that the President would not launch a missile attack, but could take more drastic measures against Iran and its allies. According to the New York Times, Trump gave up his intention to attack Iran after consulting advisers.


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