The Lebanese government decided to hand over the army of Tripoli

Tripoli, the army decided to hand over

Tripoli, the army decided to hand over

News — Beirut time

Sunni and Shia Alawites in Tripoli able to overcome the tension between the armed forces handed over responsibility for the security and the army will be stationed there for 6 months. Lebanon’s Prime Minister Najib myqaty the LBC televisionhave. Weeks and ten people killed during fighting on Sunday and more than fifty were injured, including ten soldiers. Tripoli fresh fighting in neighboring Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad and his rebel fighters fighting for and against Based began. Lebanese Sunni Syrian rebel fighters capable of supporting e- alhrky while his fellow Alawites support of President Bashar Assad. Lebanese Shiite organization Hezbollah in support of rebels fighting President shares . Town last Thursday tension between the Sunni and Shia was being launched and Alawite residents of Jabal Mohsen area populated by Syrian flags in support of President Bashar al-Assad was doing .professional basis in the past there have been violent clashes. Coastal city in August that killed 45 people in two bomb blasts. Past eleven months the violence in Tripoli more than a hundred people has been killed. Meanwhile, Tripoli Sunni Muslims comprise 80% of the population. Shia alviy 11 percent. Between them from 1975 to 1990 during the civil war there were clashes but civil war in Syria since March 2011 periodically between both groups, there have been reports of armed conflict. Civil war in Syria, Lebanon and other areas are also affected. Bqaa Valley in eastern Lebanon on Wednesday Naba Palace residents of a village.


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