The discovery of new region of the unique human brain: Neuroscientists Research

The human brain is the most complex thing in the universe

The human brain is the most complex thing in the universe

Australia … News Time

Famous physics Michio Kaku said that human brain is the most complex thing in the universe. Now, a seal of righteousness has been recorded that despite the unhealthy medical development, a penis in the human brain has revealed Endorestiform Nucleus. This makes us feel like other creatures. Professor George Paxinos has said more than a decade after studying research and literature. There is an Endorestiform Nucleus between the human brain and the spinal cord which distinguishes human beings from other creatures. This pen is linked to inferior cerebellar peduncle, which has not yet been seen by an expert.

Professor George Paxinos is the world’s most prominent specialist, who can be called mental mapping; they have international reputation in making mental Atlas and respect the Mental Cartography around the world. Professor George Paxinos currently works in Neuroscientists Research Australia, and now in pursuit of the best pillar of mental illness, he has discovered this mental cord.

Although the end role of Endorestiform Nucleus is still hidden, but at the point where it is located, there are brain and hazards. This part controls the balance of man’s hand, the most sensitive movements of the legs and the needle to balance, seating, and the physical part. On this occasion Professor George Paxinos says the new episode plays an important role in human activity and various qualifications. However, he emphasized the need for further research.


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