Syria: Aleppo bombed, killing 13 people, injuring dozens

Aleppo, Syria after government bombardment views

Aleppo, Syria after government bombardment views

Aleppo — News Time

Aleppo, Syria’s government planes bombed thirteen people were killed and dozens injured. Syrian human rights organization, the rebel -controlled city of Aleppo resurrection in the southern region of the state military helicopters bombed a barrel bombs female the dead included a woman. Meanwhile, the Swiss city of Geneva negotiations on the fifth day after the breakdown of the four days, Syrian opposition groups said Assad’s government in talks with the government about change while some progress has been made by the Syrian government or third lkdr plan, had no mention of any such thing. Opposition delegation spokesman told the media that the dictator regime luyy eraser, civil war, misery and alternative governing body on the end of the first once progress has been made in the discussions.


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