Sleeping too much is dangerous to vision, new research has revealed

Sleeping too much is dangerous to vision

Sleeping too much is dangerous to vision

California … News Time

Diseases caused by sleep daily routine that has been a study that could lead to blindness. According to experts who are sleeping more than 8 hours increases the risk of geographic atrophy, which can cause the macula degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the eye. But it is a disease of blindness in people over age 60 biggest reason. An important part of making the vision in the macula disease gets worse; people do not see the right way. In America Retina Vitreous Associates Dr. Rahul N. Khurana Californiais-Northern an analysis of 3 patients notes duration of sleep this report has been published in the scientific journal Retina. This is a lot of pressure on the pillows to sleep with heavy head, eyes could be seriously damaging to the eye. Rahul N. Khurana says the elderly do not sleep face down in the pillow so as to minimize the pressure placed on the eye. In case of eye strain leads to a coma-like and liquid flow in the affected eye which increases pressure on the nerves of the eyes and can be broken inside. In this study, John Hopkins University, Baltimore of experts took part, and the patients there. The doctors have advised people to avoid sleeping late and improve the way gold so as to minimize stress on the face and eyes.


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