Sea is rising faster in the 20th century than at any time in the past 27 years, scientists            

Sea is rising faster in the 20th century than at any time in the past 27 years, scientists            

Sea is rising faster in the 20th century than at any time in the past 27 years, scientists

New Jersey … News Time

Scientists said the research on the history of 3 thousand years the Earth that was slightly above sea level in the 20th century than in the previous 27 centuries. Rutgers University says climate experts reviewed 800 before Christ it seems that since 1900, global sea level is highest and 95% is likely that these changes are in the 20th century. According to experts, was full review of 1300 cases of volatility in the seas at 24 different locations the data was obtained for 66 devices (taydl Gaj) waves to measure worldwide which showed that the average sea level rise of 1.4 millimeters per year in the 20th century. And sea levels in this century were an exceptional start to move. According to experts, the study found that climate change is responsible for adverse human activities the weather is getting worse mood. In the 20th century sea levels rose by an average of 2.75 inches (7 cm). Experts say the research proves that was 8 cm reduction in sea levels around the world between 1000 to 1400 and the temperature was in the same period decreased by 0.2 Celsius but has seen extraordinary promise in sea levels around the world the extraordinary changes in global temperatures. Experts say the rise in sea after certain years it is not necessary but that was before the data are available and can be prepared in any model. The study of 10 leading scientists in the world has played a role and has reviewed the use of global data at the level of 3 thousand years of ocean research.


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