Massacre of Muslims in the East African country has caused a drought

Massacre of Muslims in the East African country has caused a drought

Massacre of Muslims in the East African country has caused a drought

Car — News Time

East African Country ‘car, Famine caused the massacre of Muslims has been established here. Vegetable food, livestock, meat and grains whole business was in the hands of the local Muslim traders, the Christian militia force to return to plant is expelled or killed. Whose network of local and foreign businessmen in the country not having food and livestock trade has waned? Bangui government Christian militia for the republic’s killer famine and food scarcity in the country is responsible. ‘Economist’ Muslims fighting the Bangui government Christian militia’s brutal crackdown has now regained consciousness, when a Muslim businessmen and the country’s economy has destroyed. On the other hand, the car’s female president Catherine Samba-Panza Christian militia involved in the massacre of Muslims anti-balaka, called a killer group. Catherine Amnesty International, human rights Watch and the UN human rights Counciland areas to attack off the bullets. Muslim president forced to resign after the country’s helm female president of the republic Catherine claimed that the woman not be declared weak understanding. Against Christian militias operations will. While The Hague, the International Criminal Court Chief prosecutor Fatou B. female Bensouda, said his investigators African Republic to investigate crimes against humanity and expose those responsible will be brought to the International Court of Justice. They did not name the Muslims, but admitted the ‘car ‘ belonging to a religious group of men being killed, which would be stopped at all costs., The Economist, the world’s indifference and policies, weak woman President of the Republicis being made ​​. ‘CAR’ of the Ministry of Food, a senior officer said he was a Christian despite being Muslims condemn the atrocities. ‘All Africa com’ to ‘CAR ‘ international aid agencies working in the country’s economy is almost palpable in the markets and shops have been rare meat and groceries are collected in many areas, because of the famine in the Central African Republic era has begun, which led to the killing of Muslims normal. ‘ayfrdl News, the woman President of the killer gang crackdown ” Better late than never’ decision, calling the practice wrote that millions of Muslims expelled by force sword, killing and injuring thousands being following the decision by the President at least one killer Christian militia members have orders to shoot on sight tablets. Although the President and the French forces had not taken any action against Christian militias. causing Christian squad ‘anti-balaka’ activities have been so intense and brutal militia that killed hundreds of children, men and youth in the wake of a Muslim are slaughtered and hung on trees, whose images of American, British and European media are regularly being published. ‘Human Rights Watch ‘ has acknowledged the plight of Muslims is deplorable. They save their lives and the neighboring states ‘Chad’ and ‘Cameroon’ are, where already millions there are refugees.’ All Africa com news portal report on organized crime in the Central African Republic against Muslims, kill them, loot and more than five million Muslims from their land by force expelling the SwordElodie Nguerele local Christian teacher that is currently rare meat markets, the meat was available at Rs 100, now they are getting Rs 500, it is also extremely limited quantities. Christians argue that this everything Christian militia ‘anti-balaka’ force projection and people wander in search of food in a state of anxiety is again. Bangui, UN sources said that 90 per cent of people eating a meal in twenty-four hours are.


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