Mali: turq protesters boycotted the elections, freedom slogans

turq protesters boycotted the elections

turq protesters boycotted the elections

Timbuktu … News Time

Mali’s northeastern region turq separatists on Sunday in parliamentary elections that have stopped people from voting.

A military source said gyu tltyh town located 180 kilometers east of the protesters broke the ballot boxes and election against and in favor of freedom slogans.

Tltyy Mayor Mohammad Asali said nearly two thousand people participated in the demonstration, but protesters said the military would not confirm that number. Mayor Asali said ten thousand registered voters here, but no vote was cast. The population of the town protested against polling and election material is taken away. ”

Mohammad Asali turq racist in the past been a member of the National Liberation Movement, but a month ago he left the armed group allied with turq civil society members was formed. They are former separatist fighters and Mujahideen.

Mali military coup in March last year after the first parliamentary elections since the unrest and chaos are. Military coup turq tribesmen in northern Mali after independence was declared al-Qaeda fighters while he was met with numerous cities and towns were captured.


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