Israel would make a Jewish state or a democracy, John Kerry

US Secretary of State John Kerry

US Secretary of State John Kerry


 US Secretary of State John Kerry says that we support every stage of Israel but peace in the Middle East is the establishment of two states for Israel to make a Jewish state or a democracy. According to foreign news agency US Secretary of State John Kerry defends US non-participation in the Security Council to vote on the recent resolution against Israel and after the passage of the resolution would effectively respond to the allegations leveled against Obama by Israel. The moves not participate in the voting of America in accordance with American values. He said that despite our great efforts in recent years based on the two-state solution is now in serious danger And the current policies of Israel’s future peace agreement is put in danger and it is not good for anyone’s interests. Kerry said the US rejects Israeli claims behind the UN resolution to halt settlements those who claim this are actually trying to divert attention from the Security Council resolution, US neither this resolution nor the draft and forwarded it however, the resolution of the US message was that if the resolution text parallel to the US will not hinder the establishment’s approval. Kerry said the current settlement policy Israel is going to lead to a state takeover of the region. The right-wing Israeli settlements are considered necessary to the security of Israel, After the Oslo agreement in 1990. The number of Israeli settlers in the West Bank has reached 2 million 70 thousand, which is a testament to the state of mouth while a state policy of Israel is a threat to the region. He stressed that not only the settlement of the conflict between Palestine and Israel, are destroyed upcoming generation conflict.


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