Iran, between Italy Enhancing trade agreements, including cooperation in energy sector

Italy's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the President of Iran Hassan Rohani press conference

Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the President of Iran Hassan Rohani press conference

Rome … News Time

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said issues of regional security, not military waybut the negotiations and political processes must be dealt with. Iranian media reported in trade, health, transportation, agriculture, energy sector, economic, health, cultural and other cooperation agreements signedItaly’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi Speaking at a joint press conferencehe is confident that the good and extensive cooperation between the two countries will continue. Iran’s role in the fight against terrorism is important if Iran is not Afghanistan and Iraq because the situation is far more serious. Iranian President Hassan Rohani said the nuclear issue on the table was able to solve problems and the Middle East, Africa and Asia could be useful for. Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi various agreements with Iran, recalling that today is a big day, In the presence of the spiritual and Italian counterpart signed agreements of $ 18.4 billion. Italian Prime Minister said ISIS war; Syria was considering ways to end the fighting. Italy steel firm Danieli spokesman said a $ 6.1 billion contract with Iran would Commercial. Infrastructure firm Condotte d’Acqua will also sign agreements worth $ 4.3 billion. Italian Prime Minister nuclear issue can reach most of the problems we have on each sfh, we can do it. The Pope Francis met in Rome Rouhani 40 minutes. Francis said that Iran stop terrorism and for peace in the Middle East to work together with other countries. Iran in the Middle East to contribute to a political solution has appealed in order to prevent terrorism and arms trafficking. The two leaders exchanged gifts. Hassan Rohani, Iran and Italy Speaking to businessmen and industrialists Profit in the economic field should be bilateral. Iran in the area of ​​peace and stability is the most peaceful country Iran neither has aggressive designs against any country, nor interferes in another country It can defend itself with full force. Iran is a safe country for foreign investment. Investment and new technology introduction welcome in Iran, saying it would lead to a new free market. In France, several business deals Dell has yet to be decided. Iranian President expressed the hope that Iran will visit Prime Minister Matteo Renzi if the world wants to adopt a joint strategy against extremism and wants to win the war against terrorism if the same path of success and growth in the affected nations is increasing. According to Iranian spiritual growth from an increase in jobs will be born and the absence of a terrorist forces from hunger and unemployment will be larger. The Italian foreign minister said Paolo Gentiloni room, with Iran’s desire to establish a comprehensive strategic alliance. The Iranian president arrived in Italy during the two decades of Iran is the first visit of a President of Europe. Pope since 1999 and is the first meeting between the Iranian president.


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