In the last elections for the upper house was unconstitutional

Japan's Supreme Court ruled that the upper house in the last election was unconstitutional

Japan’s Supreme Court ruled that the upper house in the last election was unconstitutional

Tokyo … News Time

Japan’s Supreme Court ruled that the upper house elections last year because of the disparity in the value of individual votes were held in an unconstitutional condition. In July 2013, the lowest value of a vote in the most densely populated area of 4.7 times compared to the circles. These disparities and reduce rural migration to urban areas has created. Two lawyers were to go to court Group. He claimed that the inequality of all voters have rejected the constitutional principle of equality. Chief Judge Itsuro Terada said on Wednesday its decision to terminate the measures last year apparently proved inadequate. He declared a state of disparity and inequality voters a clear violation of the constitution that. The judge urged legislators to modify the existing system of constituencies. Pryfkcrun the current system is divided into quarters.


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