Houthi rebels admit to recruiting children, blasting various places

Media center of the Yemeni military's fifth military zone broadcast video of confessional statements of some prisoners

Media center of the Yemeni military’s fifth military zone broadcast video of confessional statements of some prisoners

Sanaa … News Time

Several Houthi prisoners detained during an operation in the northern part of the country by the Yemeni government forces have revealed some of Malaysia’s corruption. On Thursday, the media center of the Yemeni military’s fifth military zone broadcast video of confessional statements of some prisoners. This includes convictions for the Houthi militia, especially for recruiting children and blowing up homes and schools. The Houthi recruiter, Yahya Mohammad al-Zuhaf, said the Houthi militia recruited him from the Haraj front after a cultural course at the Houthi rebel group’s summer centers. Yahya Mohammad al-Zuhaf, 17, added that during the annual school holidays, Houthi militia would take children to the frontiers and provide those military training. According to Yemeni education sources, the Houthis established 88 summer centers for children and adolescents in Sanaa and its territories in early July, So that after clarifying sectarian ideas in their minds, they will be taken to the war front. The Yemeni army arrested 23 Houthi militia members and liberated several farmhouses and villages during their military operations near the border town of Haraj.


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