Hindu extremists threatened to burn Muslims alive

A few days back, extremists murdered the Muslim youth by killing the swords of the day in Maharashtra.

A few days back, extremists murdered the Muslim youth by killing the swords of the day in Maharashtra.

New Delhi … News time

BJP workers and Hindu extremists in India threatened Muslims to burn alive alive in the matter of slaughtering cattle. Bargang heart workers in Indian state of Haryana announced the killing of Muslims. The religious Hindus, giving the ultimate metaphor of leaving the area to the Muslims, said that the cow would be burnt alive after the slaughter. Since the time of Narendra Modi’s comeback, life span over Muslims in India was further narrow. The history of humanism in a hand-held Kashmir is going to be a huge amount of money, and on the other hand, massacre continues in the rest of the states even in the rest of the states. A few days ago, in the Maharashtra, extremists killed the young man with great humility by waging the sword on the day. False claimants of the biggest democracy, in India, Muslims are also following the minorities as well as other minorities. According to analysts, the Indian government, who did not close the Hindu extremism in the bottle, could also endanger the Indian state itself.


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