European Union announced 18 million euros aid to Iran

European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini

European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini

Brussels … News Time

In order to control the financial problems caused by US sanctions, the European Union will pay 18 million euros. Federica Mogherini, chairman of the EU’s foreign affairs said that the European Union is bound to cooperate with Iran. The Iran-based relief package is based on economic relations, which is beneficial for our citizens and their development. The EU has announced that in 2015, the passion of the international nuclear deal with Iran and to control the financial problems caused by US sanctions the European Union will pay 18 million euros.

According to the foreign news agency, the EU has announced that it is with the nuclear deal with Iran. Iran will help Iran solve economic problems after the withdrawal, due to the US infringement of this agreement; EU will provide a package of 18 million euros. Remember, US President Donald Trump concluded the nuclear nuclear deal with Iran in the month of May. And against Iran announce new restrictions. The 18 million euros which were given to the EU by the European Union the fixed 50 million euros are part of the larger package between Europe and Iran.


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