European Commission has released the list of 23 countries with a weak financial system

European Commission has released the list of 23 countries with a weak financial system

European Commission has released the list of 23 countries with a weak financial system

Brussels … News Time

The European Commission has adopted the list of 23 countries of the third world including Pakistan, many countries of the Middle East, with whom there is strategic deficit in money laundering and anti-terror financial framework. The purpose of this list is to protect the EU financial system money laundering and terrorist financial risks. The countries included in the new list include Afghanistan, American Samoa, Bahamas, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Korea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guam, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Puerto Rico, Sri Lanka, Syria, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, US Virgin Islands and Yemen as a result of Listing, banks and other organizations covered by EU Money Laundering laws must necessarily make financial and related financial services related to third-party third countries of the country and financial institutions to improve any suspicious identification. But need to be checked. Based on the new method, this reflects the highest quality of revolt against the 5th money transaction in July 2018; this list has been set up after a deeper analysis.


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