Egypt and Sudan agreed on joint against cross-border monitoring

Egypt and Sudan agreed on joint against cross-border monitoring

Egypt and Sudan agreed on joint against cross-border monitoring

Khartoum … News Time

Egypt and Sudan have decided to jointly patrol the border of both the countries to prevent smuggling and illegal intervention. Kamal Abdul Maarouf, head of Sudan’s armed forces, said at a press conference. The Ministers of Defense Ministers of the two countries have decided to jointly patrol the border to counter the threat posed by Central militants in Libya. It is believed that in 2011 after the end of the Colonel Gaddafi’s government in Libya where there was new political spaces in the country, borders of neighboring countries of neighboring Libya have also become unsafe. The Sudanese army chief said joint patrol on the border with the Egyptian army, joint operation for counter terrorism, the measures have been agreed to prevent crime cross-border and prevent illegal liability. He further added that the cooperation with the Egyptian army was agreed to contribute to a strategic partnership, intelligence sector, training and other fields.


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