Cooperation between the United States and Israel, there is no alternative way: Netanyahu

Cooperation between the United States and Israel, there is no alternative route, Netanyahu

Cooperation between the United States and Israel, there is no alternative route, Netanyahu

Washington … News Time

Israel’s recent parliamentary elections with a landslide Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu who won the Cold War with the US administration sought to reduce this by saying that the US and Israel are linked. Cooperation between the two countries, there is no alternative. American TV is the NBC ” to Netanyahu acknowledged in an interview that US President Barack Obama with their differences on some issues, but nevertheless we want to work together. There is no alternative option for cooperation between us, because we are together and coalition partners. Netanyahu demanded that the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas’ relationship with and to resume talks with Israel purposeful. Netanyahu said in response to a question that I’m proud that once the Israeli public confidence in my party that we have won with a landslide. Jews and Arabs feel proud to be prime minister.


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