China, builds metamaterial non-stealth fighter jets is ready

China, builds metamaterial non-stealth fighter jets is ready

China, builds metamaterial non-stealth fighter jets is ready

Beijing … News Time

India has been using many reactions to fight against Pakistan and China at once, but he probably does not know that Pakistan can not even tackle its military power even against China alone. Assume that China has made an aircraft that India would even be conscious of America. According to the Mail Online, this war plan is such that it does not look and no radar of the world can hold it. Chinese scientists have used a metamaterial in its preparation, which changes the style of recycling back to the radiation waves, So Radius waves fail to trace the plane. According to the report it was developed by scientists at a University of East University with Metamaterial Nanjing and it was tested in the production of warcraft on the Chinese military production base located in Jiangsu. It was not exposed by the Chinese authorities that it was used on metamaterial planes.


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