Can CPEC plan fail or not? New US report

Daniel Markey, who co-authored the report, says CPEC cannot fail, it is politically and diplomatically impossible.

Daniel Markey, who co-authored the report, says CPEC cannot fail, it is politically and diplomatically impossible.

Washington … News Time

The new US report says that while preparing its response to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the US needs to focus on regional stability, especially in the context of deep animosity between India and Pakistan. According to the newspaper, a report on how the US should deal with China in Pakistan also requested Washington. That the United States, in response to the CPEC, should also keep an eye on the long-term geographical and political challenges posed by China’s growing interference in the region.

Daniel S. Markey, who co-authored the report, says the CPEC cannot fail, it is politically and diplomatically impossible. He said that China is an important partner and lifeline of Pakistan while CPEC is a test case for China to export both its development model and an important project. Daniel S. Markey, a Chinese expert at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy in Washington, D.C., examines China’s influence in Pakistan and the need to address growing tensions between India and Pakistan. Highlighted he warned that in the past one year, India and Pakistan have once again reached the brink of war, and this winter another military crisis may erupt between India and Pakistan.

He urged the Trump administration to appreciate Beijing’s role as a potential diplomatic partner in preventing India and Pakistan from going to war. He added that if tensions in Sino-US relations hampered cooperation between the two countries in the South Asian crisis, all sides would be defeated. Daniel Markey points out that Washington now sees Indian military strikes against Pakistan as a justified response. Beijing, meanwhile, insists on Pakistan’s responsibility to respond with all its might to the aggression of its larger neighbor. “Unfortunately, this is dangerous. In the future, both the United States and China will have to reschedule diplomatic engagements with New Delhi and Islamabad,” he said. He said that while tensions between India and Pakistan should be the first and foremost concern for US policymakers, they should also consider China’s influence on plans for a full withdrawal from Afghanistan.


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