An increase of five years in the average age of humans

Seen an increase in the average age of most of Africa

Seen an increase in the average age of most of Africa

Karachi … News Time

The World Health Organization reported worldwide is expected to increase over the past 15 years the average age of 5 years in humans the main reason for the proper care and drug availability. The World Health Organization’s report shows the progress of health in which the UN General Assembly. Seen an increase in the average age of most of Africa. Mainly due to better availability of better treatments and medications according to other deadly diseases, including care, AIDS, malaria and child health. Deadly caused by preventable diseases and premature decline in reported deaths has shown great progress. As well as in Brazil, China, Iran, South Africa and Turkey have seen it progress. The UN health agency has estimated women 71 to men 69 to an average age of children born in 2015. Women 88.6 years in Japan and Switzerland can expect to live long male 81.3. In contrast, the shorter the life of the average age of 50.8 for men and 49.3 for women in Sierra Leone has been expected. The report found that the data indicate that in some countries that was not the half of deaths among all deaths worldwide. This is a great achievement that the World Health Organization director general of health of many global health statistics.


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