After the Supreme Court decision, a heated debate continued in the British Parliament

After the Supreem Court decision, a heated debate continued in the British Parliament

After the Supreem Court decision, a heated debate continued in the British Parliament

London … News Time

The assembly was resumed following the Supreme Court’s suspension of the British Parliament. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson suspended the British Parliament until the Brexit pact with other Porpoise countries which the Supreme Court dismissed. As the parliament resumed, a heated debate began between the government and opposition members. Opposition members took the government in a halt to suspending parliament. Opposition members say the government suspended the parliament and violated the constitution and the law. British Attorney General Jeffrey Cox said the members were cowards and the parliament dead. Members do not dare go to new elections in parliament. Speaking to media representatives after the Supreme Court decision, Jeffrey Cocx said the government would not take any action that contradicts the extraordinary constitution and high court decisions. He also dismissed the possibility of the Parliament being suspended or postponed indefinitely, saying that no action would be taken against the rolling of the Supreme Court.


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