A woman living alone on Sable Island for 40 years

The 67-year-old Zoe Lucas is the only man on 26 miles Wide Island that has been living alone on the island since 40 years for scientific research.

The 67-year-old Zoe Lucas is the only man on 26 miles Wide Island that has been living alone on the island since 40 years for scientific research.

Canada … News Time

Many tribes today are still living in remote forests and ancient times in the islands of the world but a compatible lady is such a single person who is living alone on the island called Atlantic Cemetery for the last 40 years for scientific research. Zoe Lucas’s narrative looks like a movie story because she lives on the Sable Island there is only one human, 400 horses, three million grams and 350 species of beautiful birds are found. The 67-year-old Zoe Lucas is the only man on 26 miles Wide Island and is transported to the necessary supplies by boat on a regular basis. Zoe Lucas says that he is a scientist considering nature and for the first time in the age of 21, he visited Sable Island in 1971. After that they were arrested in the island’s love and are still working there, but sometimes a group of scientists comes to meet them on the island. There are beautiful wild horses that do not control anyone and Zoe is researching them but this island is completely surrounded by fog for 125 days of the year, and therefore, the passenger ships often suffer from accident. So far 300 rubbishes and ships have been found here, which is also called the Atlantic Cemetery. Despite all these difficulties, Zoe Lucas is living here and living in a small wooden house. The cost of female science is facing a welfare organization Sable Island Society so that they can curtain the secrets of this interesting island.


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