Interesting practices in some countries the new year

Interesting practices in some countries the new year

Interesting practices in some countries the new year

London … News Time

New Year rises with new aspirations and feelings of the majority of people on earth and the sun is new rate plan.But many countries around the world have practiced some rituals and superstitions attached to the new year where there are interesting thing is that they are in developed countries.

Ecuador, to set on fire

Ecuador, to set on fire

Ecuador, to set on fire

Ecuador’s people come out of their homes between noon on New Year’s night and a thin aflame. He believes that to be the end all together last year’s bitter memories and the specter of a new year

Latin America, empty suitcases

Latin America, empty suitcases

Latin America, empty suitcases

The New Year’s night in several countries of Latin America are the home corner or empty suitcase to the door. Sometimes suitcases are also rotated in the house. The aim is that the new year will travel and subsistence opportunities.

 Spain, 12 grapes are eaten on New Year’s night

Spain, 12 grapes are eaten on New Year's night

Spain, 12 grapes are eaten on New Year’s night

People in some areas of Spain and Latin America who eat grapes until even when the clock shows January. Some people eat a grape every hour 12 hours of the new year for the next 12 months so that food and good luck with them.

 Belarus, marriage predicted the rooster

Belarus virgin girls are sitting in a circle and each girl make up some of the corn grain

Belarus virgin girls are sitting in a circle and each girl make up some of the corn grain

Belarus virgin girls are sitting in a circle and each girl make up some of the corn grain. Belarus virgin girls are sitting in a circle and each girl make up some of the maize grain.

China, home to the unique treatment

From the top of the Chinese wall to clean the house down

From the top of the Chinese wall to clean the house down

If the Chinese New Year Spring Festival also known that in terms of solar and lunar calendar. The events are an opportunity to start at the end of January and mid-February. From the top of the wall for the Chinese to clean the house down but the dust is being thrown out the back door of the house.

 Denmark: Broken pot neighborhood home

Neighbours can throw a broken plates and utensils from entering into the New Year in Denmark

Neighbours can throw a broken plates and utensils from entering into the New Year in Denmark

Neighbor agreement on New Year’s Eve a second home in Denmark throw broken plates and utensils. The goal is success.

 Romania: Dancing Bear fur

 Romanian villages are dancing bears wearing fur

Romanian villages are dancing bears wearing fur

In Romania villages are dancing bears wearing fur, to turn away evil and misfortune. This ritual is a time each year between Christmas and New Year.

 Outside South Africa, the furniture window

Every year in Johannesburg, people throw out their furniture home

Every year in Johannesburg, people throw out their furniture home

Every year, people throw out their furniture Johannesburg home. People, particularly furniture Hill Borough throw down from a height of several floors. This year many people are injured and have to call the police and aid organizations.

 Estonia: 7 times meal

Estonia the last day of the year, not twice, but eat 7 to 12 times

Estonia the last day of the year, not twice, but eat 7 to 12 times

Estonia the last day of the year, not twice, but eat 7 to 12 times the albeit slightly. This means that there will be plenty of full-year provision will bring prosperity.

 Brazil: white flowers and gifts in sea

Brazilian citizen on a coast of Rio de Janeiro are also offering white flowers and gifts Sea

Brazilian citizen on a coast of Rio de Janeiro are also offering white flowers and gifts Sea

Many Brazilians believe that if it comes out in joy and ease! Gifts to be given a fictitious goddess of sea life. A number of residents Brazil Rio de Janeiro for one, going to a beach of white flowers and gifts are given to the sea. Some jumped over 7 waves, going to the beach.


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