Hillary Clinton happy, simple nature, sense humor and self-reliant personality

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

News time

70-year-old Senator, lawyer, former American woman and senior foreign minister, Hillary Clinton, have been courageous for women around the world, including a lively resident of a suburban family of Chicago’s suburbs; there are courage and courage to fight for women around the world, including Pakistan. In 1974, Helri followed the famous Water Gate scandal case of this era. After being resigned from Richard M. Nixon’s University of Arkansas, Hillary was formed as Faculty member; she was the first female teacher. When Bill Clinton was elected to the Attorney General, when he was elected the Attorney General, he had the opportunity to work with President Jimmy Carter.

In the year 32, when Bill Clinton won the post of Governor, Hillary also started his political activities. As Arkansas’s first lady’s expert, he established the Educational Standards Committee, Hospital for children and established child funds for children’s rights because of which he was declared the US’s most powerful lawyer. Hillary Clinton has been working as Senator since 2001 to 2009. In 2007, he tried to get nominated in the Democratic Party in American presidential elections, but Barack Obama won the majority. When visiting the Democratic Party, Hillary preferred to work with President Obama as a Foreign Minister.

In the world’s most influential women’s list of year 2016 in American magazine Forbes Hillary Clinton’s second number was followed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. In 2016, Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party emerged as presidential candidate; in fact, it was a major shift in the US. Of course, both the Democratic and Republican Party’s record is not good in relation to the US and Pakistan bilateral relations. However, there is no doubt that Hillary Clinton was more appropriate than the Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Early conditions:

At 8 years old, her parents had separated herself and sent her grandfather to Chicago to live in Los Angeles. Helry started her political journey as a teenager in Teenage. He admitted to Wellesley College and became more active in politics. He then joined the Yale Law School and became a progressive Democrat; he met with the future husband Bill Clinton in the school library. Both of them got married in 1975, and went to Clinton with his native State Arkansas. Hillary Clinton says her husband Bill Clinton, according to White House’s former spokesman Bob Weiner, headed by Bill Clinton. Or, in comparison to Barack Obama, there are more issues in understanding the issue and solving it. Constant stories of constantly involved in sexual scandal with Bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky in White House, the US House has been exported to the representatives of their representatives.

Helry and Women:

During the campaign, the campaign was revealed to the former Foreign Minister Madeleine Albright, a special place in women for hell, which does not help other women. Of course it was a statement aimed at helping Hillary Clinton’s political campaign. According to him, Hillary Clinton took an unprecedented step in joining an election rally to be the first female president of the United States. But the fact is that in many US states, compared to Hillary Clinton, young women voted for Bernie Sanders. Maybe American people call him Clinton. Monica Lewinsky never forgot to leave her husband Bill Clinton with the scandal. The amazing thing is that if the woman who rejects Harry is older then the matter comes to understand but for this scandal, they were mostly young in the women who did not vote.

Michelle Obama’s tribute:

On the occasion of the National Convention, former female Michelle Obama admired Hillary Clinton’s record and role That’s what I appreciate most of Hillary They are never pressured. They never find out the easy way to get out. And that’s why Hillary Clinton did not give up in anything in her life.


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