Who is Rohingya Muslims? Reports          

Burma Nobel Prize-winning Aung San Succi and Millions of Rohingya Muslims

Burma Nobel Prize-winning Aung San Succi and Millions of Rohingya Muslims

News Time

Rohingya is a Muslim Muslim community who has lived in Myanmar with a majority Buddhist community for centuries. An estimated 11 million Rohingya people are in Myanmar at that time. Their language is called Rohingya or Rohinga, which is quite different from the commonly spoken languages ​​throughout Myanmar. The Rohingya community has no official status like other 135 ethnic groups in the country and has been deprived of citizenship in Myanmar since 1982. That way, this community has become depressing. This community lives in Myanmar’s coastal strip in Rakhine and they can not get out of this area without official permission. Rohingya is one of Myanmar’s poorest communities and is spending most of the camps where they do not even have basic facilities of life. Due to the recent violence and persecution against them  Millions of people in the past decades have forced force or water to flee to neighboring neighboring countries. Rohingya people have lived in Myanmar since the 12th century.

In the British colonial period, which continued from 1824 to 1948, thousands of workers from India and the current Bangladesh migrated to Burma, now called Myanmar.

At the time of the British occupation, Burma was a province of India, this migration was declared as the internal movement of the country. However, the population of the local population has never seen the arrival of the workers. After the independence of Burma in 1948, the government declared their displacement illegal. So most of Myanmar people began to understand Rohingya as Bengali. At the same time the government approved a law called the Union Sacred Act, under which the ethnic communities were determined to be considered entitled to national citizenship. The Rohingya community was not included in the report published by the International Clinic Yale University International in 2015, 2015. And that’s why most of Rohingya people are still missing citizenship. However, under this Act, those persons of Rohingya were given the right to issue ID cards, which were settled in Myanmar for at least two generations. Initially many people of this community were given identification cards and citizenship, which led to many Rohingya nominations and came to the local parliament. The situation of Rohingya community dramatically changed after the military uprising in Mint in 1962. The new military government bans all the people to get the national registration card. However, Rohingya people were issued registration cards as foreigners, due to which the right to enter into jobs and educational institutions was limited.

Then in 1982 a new law of citizenship was approved, which led to Rohingya effectively disrupting. In this law the citizenship was divided into three categories. Basic citizenship was mandatory to acquire that the relative’s family was settled in Myanmar before 1948 and they can speak with one of the national languages. Most people of Rohingya community do not meet these conditions. As a result, access to law, acquisition education, employment, travel, marriage, for the people of this community, The rights to live according to their religion and the benefits of getting public health facilities are largely limited. He was also denied the right to vote in elections. From the 1970s, the province was constantly punctuated against the Rohingya community in Rakhine. Due to which millions of Rohingya people fled to Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand and other Southeast states. It is said that there were numerous incidents of violence, violence, robbery and murder in Myanmar’s security forces against them. In November 2016, a UN official accused Myanmar’s government that he was following the policy of ethnic endangerment of Rohingya Muslims. Human Rights Watch, Human Rights Watch, had earlier claimed in April 2013. However, the Mengam government has rejected the allegations.

The Myanmar government recently accused Rohingya that the Rohingya Salvation Army ARSA attacked the police checkpoints. In response, the army of Myanmar took a rigorous military action against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine, in which many men, women and children died. As a result of this violence, more than 50,000 Rohingya Muslims were forced to flee from there. While many thousand people were trapped between Myanmar and Bangladesh. The UN says hundreds of people tried to go to Bangladesh but the Bangladesh army either arrested them or backed up in Myanmar. Aung Sun Suu Kyi, Myanmar Nobel-aided leader, is also constantly refusing to talk about the condition of Rohingya Muslims. His government does not recognize Rohingya as a ethnic group of Myanmar and for Rakine in violent incidents, accusing them of being called terrorists. Observers say Aung Sun Suu Kyi has no control over the military forces. However, they are being criticized by the army not to condemn the use of force for violent action against Rohingya Muslims. The international community has declared the Rohingya community the largest community of violence and persecution around the world. Recently, UN Secretary General António Guterres has said that he has a serious concern over the military operations in Rakhine.


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