Voting got off to a slow start on the second day of Egypt’s presidential election

On the first day of election process, only 13 percent of the people eligible for voting were 6 million

On the first day of election process, only 13 percent of the people eligible for voting were 6 million

Cairo … News Time

The process of voting on the second day of Egypt’s presidential election remained slow. Egyptian officials said the first day of election process only 13 percent of the people eligible for voting could vote. On the other hand, the administration hopes the voting process will increase on the third day of the election. It is clear that the president of the current presidential election, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, is the only candidate in the Egyptian presidential election. The voting started on Monday, which will continue till Wednesday. It is expected that President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi will succeed. Contrary to that, the same candidate is contesting Moussa Mostafa Moussa, who has been able to confirm Abdel Fattah al-Sisi once again. Polling continued on the second day of Egyptian fasting presidential election, while some voters were passionate, while voting in other areas was slow. The Parade was rooted in the Qalyubia province, where the fans stood in the queue, while the band was sitting down. A few hundred people were losing locks, while fans were gathered, in such a way when a nearby polling station was using voters right away. Egypt’s media has talked about a special turnout, while local newsletters have reportedly voted for a large number of voters in Alexandra’s second largest city, Alexandria, while the number of voters on the spot of the popular South Al-Caesar in the tourists was very low, where there was a lot of stroke and people were not interested in polling. There were voters in some polling stations in Cairo, whereas there were polling stations that were empty. The head of the region Kafr El Sheikh told reporters that the number of voters on Tuesday was low, although they said that when the temperature decreases, Syria is expected to increase the number of voters in Syria. Mohamed Faiq, head of the National Council of Human Rights head in Egypt, told the reporters that are the issue of voting, without any particular error. But, some voters expressed satisfaction that they did not know where their vote was registered. The supporters of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi have not been shown in the areas of Cairo, who are engaged in flaming or dressed in colorful clothes, those people encouraged them to exit and vote.


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