US visa-free policy ended for the 32 Muslim countries

US visa-free policy ended for the 32 Muslim countries

US visa-free policy ended for the 32 Muslim countries

Karachi … News Time

US President Barack Obama, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump have footsteps. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya and Egypt for the inhabitants of Muslim countries, including 32 in the US visa-free entry policy has ended. Under the new visa to enter the United States from across Europe who want to go through a rigorous screening of Muslims, who in March 2010 still will be visiting a country in the Middle East. The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has demanded that the interior will be closed in the United States. The US Senate and Congress on the bill being debated in the 32 Arab, African and Asian countries visa-free entry for citizens have been banned. The orders of the leadership at all airports across Europe, US Homeland Security officials said the deployment was also approved. British journal Daily Metro confirmed that dozens of US Homeland Security from Heathrow and Manchester airports of United Kingdom immigration officers have been deployed. This special screening of all passengers to US officials will itself. British journal Daily Mail Online reported that the US Department of Homeland British leaders had a special request to all British airports that allow the deployment of US troops. I do not want the US-led attacks in Paris and California, the United States was arming terrorists. The human and constitutional rights of the American Civil Liberties Union institutions with the racism and discrimination on the Obama administration to traditional US visa policy are severely criticized. The Organization of American Muslims ‘Care’ is also criticized US President Obama, Donald Trump running policies. The new visa policy applies to any Arab or Muslim world citizen to enter the United States will have to undergo rigorous askrunty, European citizen and Muslim residents in the US visa-free and will not be immediate, but they will have to undergo mandatory screening process. US Congress and approved by the Senate Committee and Obama’s signing of the 2016 first day of the policy will be applied. The official said that in recent days a mosque in the UK and the US industrialist has been refused entry. Muslims gather data on social networking sites are trying to do, a month during which Britain was prevented from leaving the country. Speaking to the Daily Mail, a British Muslim citizen in the British journal M. Tariq said Muslims were being subjected to discrimination, and that Obama has walked in the footsteps of Donald Trump.


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