US threatens action in Syria government

Civil war in Syria has already killed thousands of children

Civil war in Syria has already killed thousands of children

Geneva … News Time

US Ambassador Nikki Haley in the United Nations said that if the United Nations failed to stop continuing bleeding in Syria so the military action option can be used against the Assad regime. Nikki Haley presented a new ceasefire resolution in Syria, saying that the Syrian government is bombarding its civilians. The United States is fully prepared to take action against Syria to stop and to protect civilians. United Nations has failed to play its role. Nikki Haley, addressing the UN Security Council after a ceasefire resolution issued 16 days ago, said that a fire-fire resolution has not been implemented. Today’s situation is exactly the same as one year ago when the Syrian government used chemical weapons on civilians. In response, the US had to air airstrike on the establishment of the Syrian Army. Nikki Haley said that when international organizations are constantly failing to protect people so in such a time the countries have to move forward and it’s time to come the United States should take strict action against Syria by solving its individual responsibility so that innocent souls can be protected from anxiety bombardment. US Ambassador Nikki Haley said that the military action against Syria is not our priority nor the US wanted to choose the way. But this is the way in which we have already saved people’s lives from the chemicals in Syria and today even if the United Nations does not do its job, we will not delay the adoption of the same path again.


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