US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard resigns from presidential nomination

Tulsi Gabbard, a member of the U.S. Congress and a member of the Democratic Party

Tulsi Gabbard, a member of the U.S. Congress and a member of the Democratic Party

Washington … News Time

US Congresswoman and Democrat Party member Tulsi Gabbard withdrew from presidential nomination and in the November presidential election this year, he came out in support of his opponent, Joe Biden, against US President Donald Trump. According to a French news agency, a member of the US state of Hawaii said in an online video message released by Congress that she was suspending the nomination and campaigning for the Democrat Party as a presidential candidate. And in the quest to unite the country, former Vice President Joe Biden offers his full support, although he does not agree with the former vice president on every issue. “Joe Biden is a good man and he is committed to the love of our country and the American people,” he said.

He said the results of the election on Tuesday made it clear that Joe Biden would fight against US President Donald Trump in the November elections; they believe that they will lead our country and end the discrimination in the country by devoting a spirit of love, respect and sympathy to the one who has divided our country. They are backing away when the world faces an unusual global crisis like the Coronavirus, he said so American citizen’s work together to defeat the Corona virus.


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