US big decisions about tension flares on Afghan-Pakistan

Pakistan and Afghanistan both sides of the border joint efforts against terrorism

Pakistan and Afghanistan both sides of the border joint efforts against terrorism


The U S has urged both Pakistan and Afghanistan would recommend it to neighboring countries  He started joint efforts to avoid confrontation and war against terrorism of any kind. Pakistan and US officials said the Afghan authorities to clarify the procedure for resolution of their disputes with them. According to domestic and foreign news agency reported John Nicholson said the government wanted in both governments seek a joint operation against terrorism on both sides, The United States wants to establish sustainable counter terrorism platform Afghanistan. He said that in Afghanistan without Pakistan’s support possible peace he will urge Pakistan to work with Afghans to defeat terrorism. Recently, some experts stressed during the talks at a think tank in Washington for free, can play a role in the administration Trump for peace in Afghanistan, the Obama administration in the region do not have the means.


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