US against Iran activated on its double strategy

The energy in America's foreign policy has always been an important factor

The energy in America’s foreign policy has always been an important factor

Washington … News Time

The energy in America’s foreign policy has always been an important factor. Whatever is happening in the oil and gas world market the United States has been directly affected by its foreign countries and its foreign countries. But new regional and international organizations have also come into existence in any dispute about supply of oil and gas, delivery and delivery to the market. These organizations make decisions regarding regional and global disputes, alternative sources for oil and gas production. The second phase ban against Iran combined with Saudi Arabia and Russia, combined with its own oil production shows their common goals.

During the ban of Former President Barack Obama’s administration:

Iran’s main objective of ban on Iran’s President Barack Obama’s regime was to reduce Iranian oil exports and Iran’s ban on gasoline price was to be banned by the international financial system. For the first time, the Obama administration through Swift (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) Iran tried to restrict the possibility of transactions. Its effect was that the recovery of oil for Iran has become difficult.

Iran has a strong need for funding from oil, gas and petrochemical sales to boost its economy and maintain its political strength in the region. Due to the sanctions imposed in the Obama government, not only Iran’s oil exports fell down rather, all its LNG projections were also stopped in the middle and Iran could not achieve its target in LNG’s market. Iran’s plan to export LNG to Europe was to move its natural gas market but its pipeline plan remains tired. Iran’s plan was to achieve FLNG (floating fluid natural gas) from a special type of ship. Produce LNG but due to ban, the way to get the necessary technology from other countries is also blocked.

President Trump’s biggest aim to get Iran out of nuclear weapons of 6 countries and imposing new sanctions on Iran’s energy industry its energy-efficient environment was to create an environmentally friendly environment and strengthen the US energy industry and find new markets for it. So in 2018, the United States exported more than 30 million barrels of oil and gas daily. South Korea imported more than 60 percent of Iranian oil. The United States now wants to reduce the amount of Iranian oil and gas exports by increasing its LNG exports to South Korea, resulting in a loss of its biggest buyer in Iran, East Asia.

One remarkable thing is that the chemical light of Iran’s light crude oil is different from the chemical properties of US oil. If Iran’s crude oil was similar to the United States’s oil (shell oil), there was a possibility that the United States’s crude oil would become a barrier to Iran’s crude oil. The US wanted to deliver Iran’s oil exports to zero but Iran’s exports will continue to be exported to the US imports of 8 major oil companies from the United States. And thus, Iran will be able to produce 5.5 million barrels of oil daily to achieve its development plan by 2025. This will be 7% of the global global production. Iran’s oil industry restrictions can affect the policies of major buyer countries of Iran at the same time, in Russia’s energy market, Russia can come as a major rival of Iran.

A major buyer of Iranian oil has been importing 7 million 80,000 barrels of oil daily from China in 2017. China’s continuous supply of energy from the safer sources for China’s developing economy and the main and diverse sources of energy has been China’s National Energy Policy Center. Before the ban on Iran, many Chinese companies were very active in Iran’s energy industry. China wants to continue to purchase oil from Iran, as per the energy supply of energy and its external policy to strengthen its economy. But in recent times, he would like to prefer oil and gas import from such countries which does not have a big conflict and tension with the United States. India is the second largest oil buyer of India after China.

From April to August, India has imported 6 million 5800 barrels of oil daily from Iran. In addition, he wants to attend Iran’s gas and oil project. But Saudi Arabia is looking at India, and he is investing in the energy market to impress India’s foreign policy. So that the role of India can be reduced in India’s market. At the beginning of the year 2018, Saudi Arabia’s Armo Company bought 50 percent of oil-clearing products in the district of Ratnagiri in 44 billion dollars. Ratnagiri Facility has the ability to clean 6 million tons of raw oil daily. With this, India is importing oil from the US. He imported approximately 2 million 28,000 barrels of oil daily from the United States in June.

Meanwhile, the oil minister says that in the future, America wants India to increase its oil exports. Along with this, both the countries have signed a 20-year agreement for the LNG under which the United States will export LNG to India. In such a situation, Iran seems to be impressed with imports of oil in India but Iran has greedy to reduce costs on bringing oil to India. The safe supply of energy has been an important component of EU’s foreign policy. European countries import about 5 million barrels of oil daily from Iran. Iran had planned before sanctions imposed by Obama administration within a certain time, he should export the gas to the EU by preparing the necessary infrastructure here but due to the lack of essential investment in the energy consumption of domestic households and oil extraction, their plan could not be fulfilled.

Those foreign companies operating in Iran’s oil and gas projects also came out of the US sanctions. In addition, there was no need for additional gas in Europe and Iran’s plan could not succeed because of factors like decrease in gas prices. Iranian leader Ali Akbar Zabuli said during his visit to Russia in July this year, according to Vladimir Putin. Russia will continue to cooperate with Iran in oil and gas sector and as well, Iran will invest $ 50 billion in this sector. They also said that Russian companies are investing in such areas the production of regions will not threaten Russia’s target markets. But here is also a question of Russian technology quality compared to European technology.

Future of Iranian Oil and Gas Exports:

The shell gas revolution changed America to countries that export natural gas and LNG from energy-imported countries. Shell gas was not only the US economy but it was an effective weapon for American foreign policy. Due to the rise in shell oil production, OPPAC’s organization of petroleum exporting countries may face the challenge. Iran’s influence on Iran’s regional level has decreased due to the Iranian economy’s oil dependence and the reduction in its oil exports due to the US and due to this, the US is a favorable environment for energy policy.

On the other hand, Iran cannot increase its oil production and exports without foreign investment and technology. Iran’s exchange rates, foreign exchange reserves and reduction in revenue will directly influence its economy. If Iran cannot produce sufficient gas in the natural gas sector and reduce its domestic consumption so they can lose their largest market Turkey. Turkey diversity in energy sources the US and Qatar have started increasing the LNG’s purchase. If Iran’s sanctions on sanctions and US energy exports will succeed as a foreign policy weapon, so in the future, America can use the same weapon against other countries.


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