Turkey is prolong the civil war in Syria, Iran blamed

Turkey is prolong the civil war in Syria, Iran blamed

Turkey is prolong the civil war in Syria, Iran blamed

Washington … News Time

Iran has accused Turkey of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad opposition and the rebels three years there is prolong the civil war. Iran’s official news agency, IRNA, reported a foreign ministry official said Ankara government intervention in the internal affairs of Syria civil war there, unfortunately detector dimensions and mass killings of innocent civilians in Syria is coming out. “RNA” the Iranian official said  That the Turkish government not to demand regime change in Syria, terrorist groups firm and does not help solve the Syrian crisis should have been three years ago. Turkish President Recep Tayyip ayrdgan Iranian official’s statement last week in which he described the reaction could be Iran, Syria accused of increasing sectarian divisions. In a statement published in Turkish newspapers said Iranian President ayrdgan during bilateral meetings together to solve the problem of Syria agreed, but when the time comes, then their behavior is different. Both Tehran and Ankara are contradictory stance on Syria and support is opposite sides of the conflict. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Iran’s closest ally in the Assad regime and support possible has been providing military and political support. Turkey urges Assad leave power and is suspected rebels in Syria with Assad’s army to fight against the jihadists from around the world who want Turkey reach the same evening.


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