The worst global financial crisis in the US

 The worst global financial crisis since 2008 in US

The worst global financial crisis since 2008 in US

News Time

The worst global financial crisis since 2008 has forced all countries, including the United States called the super supermarket, to bend for their knees. Investigators analysts predict every year hopeful about the end of this crisis due to production and low consumption. In 2012, a serious journal like the Economist also said that the crisis will end after 2015 but the intensity of crisis is becoming deeper and now the analysts are saying this that crisis can not end until 2025 but according to left-minded intellectuals, there is no possibility of investors in the whole world to restore the poor and the poor in the former form of the poor. If restoration starts, it would be very low level that could not be expected to make a global expectation by operating worldwide. That time of development of capitalism can be returned and return according to these intellectuals, ultimately the analysis of left-minded intellectuals is being proven in which he had predicted that the endangered worm itself would take birth from inside the system. From the New York Times to BBC on the marks of Marks’s 200th birthday last days as the international broadcast organizations have published the comments prove it is not possible to drive this world without bringing a better and modern system in the present system. The capitalist system did not destroy the majority of people living in the world financially and mentally rather; the profits of profits and profits of low-capitalists have solemnized all the countries, including the United States. That they can not even pay their debt despite most efforts.

If Pakistan’s example is taken in this regard, Pakistan has already paid $ 13 in debt and interest rates for every dollar of the loans taken from financial institutions, but there are loans that are touching the sky. In this regard, if seen as super-power loans such as America So, America’s debt is worth 21 trillion dollars and European investors’ interest in buying US bonds is now less. In addition, the value of these loans is also rising by the rate of $ 25,000 per second. There is no doubt that the US is the world’s largest economy, but it is also worried that America is counted in those countries of the world, Depending on the population, the highest public debt is facing the average per capita basis and this loan can never be refunded again. The current worth of debt obliged to the Washington government is $ 21 trillion. That means 210 tons or 21 thousand dollars. Not only this, the value of this public debt is also rising by 25 seconds every second.

The American state has declared such a high mountain as a high ranking financial expert, whose height increases every moment. At the moment, the value of these loans is increasing, only 2 years after the specialists will increase the total worth of a total of one trillion or 1000 billion dollars annually. In the past, American investors have been given some profit in the form of interest, namely, profits on Treasury bonds. And a part of the loan received from bonds sales is refunded. But how long will this series continue? Especially in the circumstances that the US economy has apparently worsened and European investors still do not show much interest in investing in the US financially financial bonds market.

In the beginning of the year 2018, US President Donald Trumpp was announced to close 25.5 million military aids to Pakistan. Earlier, the United States has announced to stop the UN assistance. How does this help American aid? According to expert’s economists who buy a country’s treasury bonds, they actually buy some part of the country’s debt through their investment. Now the problem of the US is that they are not getting the buyers for their loans and experts have also begun whether Washington government has started to worry about it. Despite the world’s largest economy, the public debt burden has increased so much to collect the wealth of all the billion leafy humans of the whole world and if the money is returned to America from the debt, then even the half of these loans will not be paid.

Statistically, this is also a matter of concern for the Washington government if the United States has to pay all its debt, then much money will be required for it for example, every human being of the world will be given the US $ 3000 a month. What is the reason for America’s financial problems? The answer is to an organization, from the beginning, it is a matter of concern that more responsibility should be demonstrated in the case of the national budget in the US. This organization has the name, the committee’s responsible federal budget. Says Vice President of the Committee, Mark Goldwain, is the United States’s solely the biggest problem that he spends more than that amount, as he earns income from taxes. Gold Wine says it is even more worried that foreign investors’ interest in purchasing US bonds is also decreasing.

On the economic and political level, the US is a big opponent of the country, which has become the world’s second largest economy since the US, leaving behind Germany and Japan for quite a long time. China has purchased American Treasury Bonds so much worth if seen; much of the US federal budget is being run from Chinese capital. China has purchased the debt liabilities in the form of U.S. Treasury bonds; their total value is 1.2 trillion or 1200 billion dollars. In addition, German investors and personalities have also purchased $ 90 billion in their form of bonds in the US. The serious journal of the world, Asian Markets Review, says the US occupy the world’s most populous country is the world’s most populous country. And this situation is not only visible in America but also within Europe. Governments of these countries are unemployed by increasing deductions, privatization and don sizing. They want to save the states but the fact is that people’s widespread unemployment is increasingly reducing the power of people. And thus, in every region, the number of people is unable to purchase low income and growing unemployment is giving rise to every region that is why we have been seeing emerging movements everywhere from France to India. According to the journal, those days are coming soon, when the majority of the world’s population populates from the two-time bread against the minorities the ocean of these movements emerging around the world will flow this class system.


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