The robot surgeon brain surgery in only 2 minutes 

Canada experts have invented a robot surgeon who completed only 2 minutes of operation of the brain

Canada experts have invented a robot surgeon who completed only 2 minutes of operation of the brain

Utah … News Time

Canada experts have invented a robot surgeon who completed only 2 minutes of operation of the brain with the help of his fine confusions and thus it can benefit millions of patients worldwide each year of mind. For the most accurate Imaging brain scans it using robots CT and operation of the brain most sensitive to your movements in the calculated manner confusions can also just 2 minutes. So far it has been tested on experimental effigies that are just as real human skull, internal and external. I could find after the approval from the Ministry of Health Canada operated patients will be exposed to the test as accurate as its performance. After much development in the field of surgery is also now difficult to imagine the brain operation because the brain is the most delicate part of the human body and soul of the patient can take the slightest error in operation or it may even disabled for life. That is the average probability of success while also takes at least 2 hours in the smallest operation of the brain is approximately 10 percent. But University of Utah thanks to the robots were invented in Canada could change the scenario in the coming years. Can shake the hand of the surgeon during the operation of the human eye cannot perform more closely to a certain extent. View the robot surgeon is much faster than ever while the operation is continuous and rapid Imaging with CT scan. It is out of the bus to see the internal parts of the brain that is small and can be seen from the description of the man. In the experimental stage performs fully automatic, but it does not work under the supervision of a human operator. However, after thorough checking of human experiences, hoping that it will be perform brain surgery almost completely independent in the future. It is expected that robotic drill called human experiences that allow brain surgeon robots will be the end of this year.


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