Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen resigned as leader of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen

Taipei … News Time

Taiwan’s ruling party Democratic Progressive Party has suffered heavily in the local elections held on Saturday, after which the President of the country Tsai Ing-wen has been resigned as the head of the party. The elections in Taiwan included 22 representatives and governors’ elections. The election was considered as the rehearsal of the 2020 presidential election. After the election, the numbers of members of the Democratic Progressive Party’s constituencies and the members of the governors’ positions have reduced from 13 to 7. While the vice-versa of the opposition, the Nationalist Party’s nominators and the number of members of the governors’ positions has increased from 6 to 9. Due to other reasons facing oppression of pension reforms, they are facing difficulty due to low support rates. Their government is also facing pressure from China, which represents Taiwan as part of its country.


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