Syria’s disastrous war planes bombed, killing 38 people     

Syrian Air Force fighter planes devastating bombing killed 38 people, including women and children

Syrian Air Force fighter planes devastating bombing killed 38 people, including women and children

Beirut … News Time

Syrian Air Force fighter planes devastating bombing killed 38 people, including women and children were injured, many killed in rebel attack, fighting an Iranian cleric lost his life. According to the Syrian rebel fighters near the border of the Turkish-occupied darkus causing severe bombing killed 38 people and wounded dozens. The dead included women and children. The Syrian city of Idlib province jsr alsgur planes bombed rebel hideouts were destroyed many of the rebels. There are reports of casualties in the bombings. Local people said the bomber destroyed several vehicles of the rebels. Meanwhile, the fight continues in Syria, an Iranian cleric lost their lives. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Mohammad Mehdi malamyry confirmed the death of the cleric said he recently near visual Hariri was killed in combat.


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