Spacewalking astronaut brings focus to camera on space station the astronaut survived the crash

Spacewalking astronaut brings focus to camera on space station

Spacewalking astronaut brings focus to camera on space station

Philadelphia … News Time

Cameron accidentally escaped astronaut crash at the international space station. According to the global media, astronomers at the international space station took a walk in the space to correct the cameras outside the station. And they were still doing their job that they were notified from the station that the lifeline has been damaged, so immediately return to the station. Looking at the gadget in the station, it was estimated that communication lines have become a major problem. The spacecraft named Randy Bresnik and Joe Acaba entered the fastest station. NASA believes that if they were not reported immediately, an accident could have occurred, not only the cameras could have been affected. Rather, there was an error in the international space station; even those astronomers could have died.


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