Simple prescription of stomach acid and heartburn

Simple prescription of stomach acid and heartburn

Simple prescription of stomach acid and heartburn

London … News Time

Nowadays, doctors and drug makers billions question that is asked most is that the stomach can do a better job. The reason for this is that the majority of stomach acid and heartburn is a problem and finally of stroke patients suffer. Let us first know the cause of this disease. Whatever food you eat or swallow a long tube goes through the stomach. The esophagus is the tube. The esophagus is a valve that might put any food or stomach acid to digest the matter back to the esophagus stops but when the rest of the valve was not working properly so it can not be and consequently food or diet is back in esophagus which causes heartburn. Here it is necessary to clarify that irritate the stomach acids found in abundance does not. This is a substance found in the stomach of the name is Helicobacter. Australia’s leading scientists and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Barry Marshall says ulcers caused by Helicobacter happens. Are now covered by the treatment of the disease for the most used drug is a proton pump Battery Acid found in the stomach volume is reduced. Another problem is posed here is that the acidic substance found in the stomach or if it is reduced to digest foods should be eaten. Her doctor suggested that it be taken intermittently food and water before eating anything definitely drunk. Domestic prescription for heartburn disease is also very useful. Usually 3 copies are tried in such improvised a few useful tips are natural.

1 – Chewing gum: all such persons to whom they should complain of heartburn after eating half an hour them Sugar Free Chewing gum.

2- Ginger teas: As noted above, this is due to irritation of the stomach acid to remove Ginger tea is very helpful.

3- Use Aloe Vera: It does not deny the usefulness of the desert plant. Aloe Vera juice is acidic full stomach relax. Patients who eat half a cup half hour before the Aloe Vera juice to drink. Avoid exercise 4- cigarette: Nicotine and Alcohol use is very harmful for the stomach. Their health is also affected asyasy gastrointestinal efficiencies and can cause heartburn. It should refrain from smoking and drinking.

5- Bananas and apples: The banana is a fruit that is naturally anti-acid, It hears irritation patients should eat bananas regularly and they eat an apple a day, it will be recovered.

6- Liquorice Use: domestic use of prescriptions is a liquorice drink his tea and goes heartburn.

7- Left sides with sleep: an indigenous treatment of this disease is that it is always the left side sleep and head position slightly upwards from the body of the patient during sleeps about 6 inches above your head down asleep.

8- Use oatmeal porridge: oats flour, porridge or bread made of ground oats are also keeps the disease.

9- Use Vinegar: Vinegar is also very useful for human health is the solution of this problem is the use of stomach acid and heartburn is not.

10- Yogurts: yogurt is the best treatment of stomach acid.


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