Russia vetoes the UNresolution that investigates the use of chemical weapons in Syria

Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia

Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia

New York … News Time

Russia vowed to resolve chemical attacks in the United Nations in Syria. According to the British media, Russia wasted the United Nations resolution on the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian war. The contract was discussed to extend the expansion of chemical attacks. Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said in the United Nations that the UN investigations are neutral, which can not be supported by any means. It is clear that Russia supports its al-Assad Bashar al-Assad and this 9th resolution will be held in the Security Council. In the opinion, 11 countries supported one year extension in the investigation. Russia and Bolivia voted against this move, while China and Kazakhstan remained absent during voting. The UN investigative team will submit its report tomorrow on Thursday. The report will be identified as responsible for chemical attack on Khan Sheykhun of the rebel’s area in Adlib. The attack was allegedly carried out by the Syrian government.


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