PML-N and PTI politics…

PTI faces difficulties on distribution of electoral tickets

PTI faces difficulties on distribution of electoral tickets

News Time

The PTI has made that the 2018 elections are their and Prime Minister will also be his leader. Today, the lecturers who made Imran Khan in 22 years climbed to his own leader today. PTI’s madness is a party of angry people from other parties. This party filled in luxury and revenge has enriched its expectations and expectations from dangerous leaders. This is not a legitimate political worker of the Muslim League or Bhutto party, who will be chanting and optimizing every wrong thing in the leader. PTI Maasha Allah is a very conducive party. Mouth burst and gone to the Dirty Globe. Leadership will not let go against custom too. It is the recent example of bringing in front of the leader’s house against the wrong distribution of electoral tickets. Bani Gala, on the gates of Khan’s house and angered by workers, has reminded of the attack of PTI’s D Chowk Islamabad. The same leopards climbed into the gate of the Parliament.

PTI had difficulty on distribution of election tickets, angry protesters in Bani Gala were continuing on the fourth day of Eid, Police charged the bat on attempting to enter Imran Khan’s house, workers refused to obey Imran Khan, The PTI entered the office of Imran Khan at Bani Gala, a worker of Gujarat and stopped Jahangir Tareen from leaving. Imran Khan told workers that he would not get blackmail even 10,000 people gathered together while Khan Sahib’s night sleep has been deserted. Bushra Sahib’s privileges are also not working, it is a gift given by Kultur Khan, which is being used against them today. Is my leopard scattered me? The impact of the leader against the leader is Khan, who is forced to revise the distribution of tickets.

Thus, the sword of 63, 62 has exposed many hidden weddings. Khawaja Saad Rafiq showed his second marriage with official TV anchor Hira Shafiq in the nomination papers, in order to prevent Article 63, 62, political leaders are also getting papers in the nomination papers that they have been hidden from, one of them is Khawaja Saad Rafiq, who submitted his nomination papers and accepted his two wives. Khawaja Saad Rafiq drew his second wife named Hira Shafiq in the nomination papers. Khawaja Saad Rafiq was expensive to confess the second wife. After which Ghazalah Saad took his papers nomination. However, in the nomination papers of Imran Khan, two sons are written. Former Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhary has opened separate Pandora box separately against Imran Khan.

The PTI has the last chance of the 2018 election and they do not appear to shed bullets from their streets to bring their candidates. Imran Khan wants to see Prime Minister everywhere. The PML-N’s voter has voted and the central Punjab has set its seats on its seats. Begum Kalsoom Nawaz’s illustration will also be helpful for the sympathy of the vote. Allah gives health to Begum Kalsoom Nawaz. The situation is delicate. Opponents protest against Nawaz Sharif’s Begum Kalsoom Nawaz in London. Why can not be treated when country decisions can be done in London? Why can not be treated when country’s policies and plans can be done in London? Why can not be treated when assets can be kept in London? Why can not be treated when weddings can be done in London? Why can not be treated when children can be kept in London? Why can not be treated when London can be made another home? Why can not be treated when holidays can be spent in London? Why can not be treated when London can be protested? Why can not be treated when liters can be done in London? Why can not be treated when asylum can be taken in London? Man can go anywhere in the world for education, employment and treatment. Politicians are also human. His wife is child and other private and public affairs. London is Pakistan for Pakistan’s politicians. London second is Islamabad. London is the second round. The London second is Bani Gala. The London second is Bilawal House. So London has got a special importance in politics of Pakistan.


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