Obama to Syria to monitor the activities of Islamic wealth aerial surveillance ordered

U.S. President Barack Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama

Washington … News Time

According to news agency Associated, a senior Obama administration official said on condition of anonymity.  President Barack Obama, to monitor the activities of the militant group Islamic wealth for the purpose of monitoring the Syrian Air has ordered. The verdict of the Islamic wealth targets inside Syria could pave the way for the attacks. The White House says President Barack Obama Currently not decided military action inside Syria. According to analysts, the U.S. government decided that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Sunni militants without reinforces how vulnerable be. United States in the Iraq invasion is a wealth of Islamic sanctuaries.  The organization announced last week that he had killed an American journalist and threatened to kill the hostages. Earlier Monday, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, Syria and Iraq in the fight against Islamic funds operating in the United States had offered to help. He said that the fight against extremists in Syria, regional and international cooperation to develop, However, the United States warned Syria against the limits of Islamic wealth before launching any air operation to the Syrian government. They further argued that the Syrian government without the support of any action would be considered offensive. Last week, the killing of American journalist James puffed released after U.S. forces near Mosul Dam has 14 more air strikes. U.S. officials said the attacks from Islamic wealth of targets and vehicles were successfully destroyed. Barack Obama spoke about the murder of James puffed that violence is an event which shook the world’s conscience.


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