North Korea’s celebrated first nuclear test Anniversary completes 10 years

North Korea's celebratedfirst nuclear test Anniversary completes 10 years

North Korea’s celebratedfirst nuclear test Anniversary completes 10 years

Pyongyang … News Time

Sunday’s first nuclear test, North Korea has 10 years experience in the fifth period of one month has passed. Concern is also another experience that North Korea is growing so he could dictate his reputation as a nuclear power. North Korea had its first underground nuclear test on 9 October 2006 in the north-east Punggye-ri. The other experience in May 2009, were made in February 2013 and January this year. The recent experience of which 9 were North Korea claimed it had tested a nuclear explosive. Experts suggest that North Korea is apparently going to improve nuclear technology with each experience. It is believed that the first nuclear test nuclear explosive TNT equivalent explosive force of less than 1 kg ton. It is estimated that a fifth experiment was equal to 10 to 12 kg ton. North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho said last month at the UN General Assembly that North Korea’s nuclear program self-defense strategy against the United States. He stressed that he will continue to further improve the quality and number of its troops armed with nuclear weapons. Said Thursday a US research group that Punggye-ri nuclear test tunnels of the ongoing activities 3. According to the group in recent pictures taken from satellites and can be seen near the mine cars.


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