More than 1.1 billion People worldwide have no proof of identity, World Bank

More than 1.1 billion People worldwide have no proof of identity, World Bank

More than 1.1 billion People worldwide have no proof of identity, World Bank

New York … News Time

The World Bank has revealed that more than 1.1 billion people in the world are missing their identity and they do not have any documents that they can prove their existence or their identity. The World Bank said in a statement issued by the IDP for the program the majority of those deprived of their identity belong to Africa and Asia. However, he is living without his identity or identity, and is the result that such number of humans is also deprived of basic human needs and facilities. They do not have access to education. Health is not good. Mortgage is not a place of comfort and they are compelled to live in a state of restlessness or unconsciousness. Those people have a third number of children, whose birth no entry was made. The result is that nothing can be believed by faith or whether they are born. Vyjayanti Desai of World Bank’s IDF de Program says that this situation has created various factors. But the biggest factor is that access to the common man is not being paid to government facilities, nor is it focused on it. Many families do not even think about the importance of registering children’s birth and even if they know, acquisition of a ward certificate is also a good reason to spend. If such children get admitted to school, work without any dismissal goes on. The World Institute says that the only solution to the issue is that such identities identify and identify people with the lowest plan with the lowest level. The World Institute has launched a campaign in 2005, with which more than 40 million children have been registered in the 32 countries of the world, but still millions of children are not part of any registration.


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