Listen to the noise of blood flowing into Kashmir

Curfew entered Kashmir in 124 days

Curfew entered Kashmir in 124 days

News Time

India’s obsessive and egregious trait is dealing with Muslims in Modi, Kashmir and other areas. This has exposed the malicious ambitions and plans of India, firing on a daily basis, arresting young children, taking young people away from their homes, stopping food and water, and reporting incidents of sexual abuse. That Kashmiris are being mentally and physically paralyzed and suppressed by their struggle and slogan of freedom. Kashmiris’ homes are being evacuated, and Hindus are being resettled after forced eviction. With the oppression and oppression of humanity being tortured by the youth of Kashmir during illegal detention, the Modi government wants peace in Kashmir or do the people of Kashmir want to sacrifice their military exercises? On the one hand humanity is being swollen and the worst oppressors and on the other hand the desire to establish peace in Kashmir is being propagated which is not only tragic but also funny.

Protests against Indian domination and repression are underway around the world. US lawmakers have expressed concern over the situation in Jammu and Kashmir a few days ago. US Congresswoman Pamela Jaya Pal has said she is deeply concerned about Indian action in Kashmir. Democratis said that detaining people without charges, restricting communication and preventing a third party from coming to Kashmir is detrimental to our relations. US Commissioner on Religious Freedom says Muslim actions violate Muslim community’s rights nevertheless, the Indian Governor has announced elections there, which all major political parties in Kashmir have said how is it possible that elections are fair and transparent without liberating the dictatorial leaders? The irony is that despite the completion of a year, the funds have not been released to the local representatives and the state has begun to seize the properties of the militant leaders. Cases for Hurriyat leaders are nothing new, but once again the series of false cases has intensified, aiming to break the backbone of freedom movement.

The present government of Pakistan is very seriously pursuing its policies on the Kashmir dispute and that is why the real situation in Kashmir and India’s terrorism has been exposed around the world. The world knows that both countries have nuclear power and Pakistan’s position on Kashmir is in front of everyone. India’s economy is sinking and the industry is shutting down. In this situation, the aggrieved Indian government has no choice but to look. To somehow satisfy his fanatical voters who promised to change the status of Kashmir in his manifesto there is also a need to avoid criticism and criticism of the plight and declining economy and to change the way people think. Indian initiatives can put the entire world in a war, not just for the region. The world community should make every effort to keep India from the brutal brutality of humanity. And tell India not to waste efforts for development and prosperity in the region of a country with nuclear power like Pakistan, who believes in peace and dialogue. Rather, decide the Kashmir according to the aspirations of Kashmiris.


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