Japan’s Osaka was hit by an earthquake that measures 6.1 on the Richter scale

Japan's Osaka was hit by an earthquake that measures 6.1 on the Richter scale

Japan’s Osaka was hit by an earthquake that measures 6.1 on the Richter scale

Tokyo … News Time

The 6.1 magnitude earthquake in Osaka province of Japan has destroyed all over. According to sources, 4 people were killed and 380 injured in different accidents. According to foreign media, roads and underground pipelines were destroyed due to earthquake last week in Osaka. Due to which the traffic system was affected and the supply of water was affected. Many roads were flooded by exploring most of the city’s Takatsuki, exploring water pipelines. Earthquake has damaged excess infrastructure than buildings, the center of the earthquake was 13 km deep in the north from Osaka. Earthquakes in the region have continued further shocks since the massive earthquake in Okinawa’s western western city of Okaka, which is considered to be an onset of the current earthquake on Sunday shock. The magnitude 6.1 of the earthquake has been recorded in North Osaka on 8.00 p.m. on Monday morning. Japan’s zero-to-earth earthquake measuring 7 earthquake strength has been imposed 6 minus. Five people were killed and at least 389 injured in this earthquake. The earthquake continues further shocks; the power of a quake coming on Tuesday is recorded at the Japanese earthquake scale 4. Department of Meteorological Department has warned the earthquake-affected areas to sprinkle earthen landscapes and the growing threat of buildings eradication. Authorities have also warned about more earthquakes over the next week.


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