Japanese company decides to give 6 more holiday leave to non-smokers

Cigarette employees take 15 minutes a day during work, while other employees work. CEO

Cigarette employees take 15 minutes a day during work, while other employees work. CEO

Tokyo … News Time

In Japan, the marketing company has decided to give 6 non-smoking employees a year’s leave compared to smokers. According to the International News Agency, a unique email from an employee of a Japanese marketing firm has increased the annual leave of fellow employees by six days. However, smokers will not be able to benefit from this. An employee of the firm sent an email to his officials stating that smokers were given two, three, 15-minute intervals a day to smoke, while non-smokers continue to work. The employee also wrote that such non-smokers work longer hours which should be given to them by giving them more leave from the company. At which the CEO of the company gave 6 more holidays to non-smoking employees. Takao Asuka, CEO of the Piala Company, told local media that the decision will encourage smokers to quit their harmful habits. The facility will benefit 30 of the company’s 120 employees.


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