Iraqi civilian population Risks, changing US policy: U N    

Iraqi and coalition air operations two months of fighting killed 307 people and 273 injured

Iraqi and coalition air operations two months of fighting killed 307 people and 273 injured


UN human rights chief institution is urged Iraqi troops and US-led coalition it is emphasized that like Mosul ISIL extremists in Mosul to review the tactics used against group it warns that the US military should not trick Causing risks to the urban population. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said the Islamic State is making shield the civilian population number for citizens to air strikes on ISIL positions in such situations may have lethal and incapacitating results. UN says 307 killed in two months of fighting, while 273 were injured. Responsible for these killings are all responsible parties fighting in western Mosul, Including Iraqi and coalition air operations in addition to shelling and use improvised weapons ISIL. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said that during the attacks, the strategies used by ISIL as children, men and women as human shields is a cowardly and shameful act Amer. It violates the most basic standards of human reason and morality. He said it is investigating US-led coalition and the extremely serious events that welcomed the Iraqi determination to be involved in the inter-urban population.


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